
About the Department

UG department of Sanskrit is an old and premier department of Government Autonomous Colleges Angul. It was established in the year 1968. Government in Higher Education Department has introduced e admission under the project SAMS through which students get admission to the department. The aim of the department is to co-ordinate and maintain standards and promote higher education and research in Sanskrit education at +3 levels. The members of the staff guide students to love Sanskrit language and literature and cultivate humanist attitude and sensibility in their character. Through CBCS pattern students are taught on moral teachings and basics of Sanskrit, drama, dramaturgy, technique of Paninian grammar and prosody, poetry, poetics, figures of speech, Upanishads, Ramayan ,Bhagavad Gita, ornet prose and poetry, veda, vedic grammer, history of classical and Vedic literature, Ayurveda vrksayurveda, technical literature like jyotisha and vastu, socio political thought in ancient India, ethical literature, translation, editing and writing skill, preparation and presentation of project paper etc. Through this teaching mode of education, Department promotes for free pursuit of knowledge and innovation facilities, better access, inclusion and opportunities to students. It provides comprehensive and holistic growth of higher education and research in sanskrit in competitive global environment through reforms and renovation. For still greater exposure of students in the field of Sanskrit, seminars and webinars are arranged. Mentor mentee system is introduced to continuously and regularly monitor the academic progress of students in order to solve their problems. Parents are encouraged to be in regular contact with teaching faculties. The department envisages the objective of personality development of students by involving them in community services through NSS, NCC, YRC and many of curricular and extra-curricular activities. A great number of our alumni have joined teaching cadre and many other services after completing their higher education from this department.

Programme Offered Strength
B.A. in Sanskrit 20
M.A. in Sanskrit 16

Name  :   Mr. Narayan Chandra Panda

Designation  :   Guest Faculty in Sanskrit

Qualification  :   MA

Area of Interest   :    

Contact : Mob:        Email:

Name  :   Dr. Suchismita Prusty

Designation  :   Guest Faculty in Sanskrit

Qualification  :   MA, MPhil, PhD

Area of Interest   :    Advaita Vedanta Darshan

Contact : Mob:

  1. Regular Departmental seminars
  2. Departmental Magazine
  3. Seminar Bulletin
  4. UG Project Guidance
  5. Regular Career counselling to UG students
  6. Parent-Teacher Meeting
  7. Mentor-Mentee Rapport