Syllabus Computer Science (Hons.)

SemesterSubjectPaperFull Marks
IComputer OrganisationTheory Papar-I80(Theory 60 + Internal 20)
IPracticalPractical Papar-I20
IIC Programming and Data StructureTheory Papar-II80(Theory 60 + Internal 20)
IIPracticalPractical Papar-II20
IIIOperating SystemTheory Papar-III80(Theory 60 + Internal 20)
IIIPracticalPractical Papar-III20
IVObject Oriented Programming With C++Theory Papar-IV80(Theory 60 + Internal 20)
IVPracticalPractical Papar-IV20
VDatabase Management SystemTheory Papar-V80(Theory 60 + Internal 20)
VSystem Analysis and DesignTheory Papar-VI80(Theory 60 + Internal 20)
VPracticalPractical Papar-V50 (40+10)
VIComputer Network and InternetTheory Papar-VII80(Theory 60 + Internal 20)
VIWeb Technology & JavaTheory Papar-VII80(Theory 60 + Internal 20)
VIPracticalPractical Papar-VI50 (40+10)

Computer Organisation

Computer Basic : Basic Functional Unit and Their operational concepts, Types of Computers, Characteristics of Computer, Evolution and Classification of Computers, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal Number systems and conversion of one form to another, Fractional numbers, Number Representation, 1’s complement, 2’s complement, Addition and substration of signed numbers, Overflow of interger Arithmetic, Character Codes, ASCII, BCD, EBCDIC. [12 Marks]


Logic Circuits : Basic logic functions, Electronic logic gates, synthesis of logic functions using AND, OR and NOT Gates, Minimization of Logic Expressions, Minimization using K-Map, Don’t Care conditions, Synthesis using NAND & Nor Gates, Tri-State Buffers, ICs, Flip Flops : Gated Latch, Master Slave FFs, Edge triggering, T-FF, JKFF, D-FF, Registers & Shift Registers, Counters, Decoders, Multiplexers. [12 Marks]


Memory Organization and address : Byte Addressability, Gig Endian and Little Endian assignments, Memory Operation : Instruction and instruction sequencing, Addressing Modes, assembly Languages, basic I/O operations, Stacks & Queues, Subroutine, Logic shift and rotte instructions, Basic Processing Unit : Single Bus Organization, Register transfers, performing arithmetic and logical operations, read and write operations, Execution of a complete instruction, multiple bus organization. [12 Marks]


Memory System : Semiconductor RAM memories, Internal Organization of Memory chips, Static Memories, Asynchronous DRAMS, Synchronous DRAMS, Structure of Large Memories, Memory System Consideration, Rambus Memory, Read-Only memories : ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Catch memory, Virtual Memory. Input and output devices : Keyboard, Mouse, Jay Stick, Touchpad, Scanners, Video Displays, Printers input / output Organization : Accessing I/O Devices, Interrupts, Direct Memory Access, Buses, Interface Circuits, Standard I/O Interfaces. [12 Marks]

INTEL 8085 Architecture, Block Diagram, ALU, timing and Control UNit, Registers, Bus Structure, Opcode, Operand, Instruction word size, addressing modes, instruction set of 8085 instructions. [12 Marks]

References : Text Books :
  1. P.K. Sinha, Computer Fundamentals, BPB Publications.
  2. Hamacher, V.C. Vranesic, Z.G. & Zaky, S.G. Computer Organization, MGH international Editions.
  3. Digital Logic & Computer Design : M. Mano
  4. Fundamentals of Microprocessor & Minicomputers : B. Ram.

Practical - P-I

Introduction to Computer System, Ms-Dos : Internal & External commands, Configuring DOS, Creation & Use of Batch files, Windows, MS-Office (Word, Power point, Excel)[20 Marks]


C Programming and Data Structure
Introduction to problem solving :

Problem Solving Aspects, Top down & Bottom up Design, Impoementation of Algorthm & flowchart Basic Structure of C Programme, Programming Style, Executing C Programme, Constants, Variables, and Data types, Operators & Expressions, Manging Input & Output oplerators Decision making and branching Decision making and looping. [12 Marks]


Arrays, Functions :

Basic of Founction, Scope Rule, Call By value & Call by reference, Recursion, Static Variable, Register Variable, C Prreprocessor, Handling of Character strings, structure & Union, Pointers, I/O & File Management in C. [12 Marks]


Data Structure and its classification, Implementation of Data Structure, One-Dimensional Array, Kulti-Dimensional Array, Pointer Array, Single Linked Lists, circular Linked Lists, Double Linked Lists, Circular Double Linked List Application of Linked Lists.[12 Marks]


Stacks & Queues :

Representation of stack, Operation on stack, Evaluation of Arthmetic Expression, code Generation for stack machines, Impllementaton of recursion, Factorial Calculation, Queue : Representation of Queue using Array and Linked lists, Circular Queue, Dequeue. [12 Marks]


Trees :

General Tree, Binary Tree, Representation of Binary Tree, Binary tree traversal Sorting & Searching : Sequential Search, Binary Search, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort, Merge Sort. [12 Marks]

References : Text Books :
  1. RG Dromey : How to Solve it by Computer, PHI, New Delhi.
  2. E Balaguruswamy : Programming in ANSI C, TMH
  3. Samanta D, Classic Data Structure (PHI)

Practical - P-II

C Programming, Exercises to study various features of C Language, Case Studies of use of various data structures using C. [20 Marks]


Operating System
Operating System :

Operating system concepts, Batch Systems, Multi Programmed Batched System, Time Sharing System, Personal-Computer System, Paralled Systems, Distribution System, Real-Time Systems, Computer system operation, I/O Structure, Storage Structure, Storage Hierarchy, Hardware Protection, General System Architecture, System Components, Operating System services, system calls, system programs, system structure, Virtual machines, system Design and Implementation, system Generations.[12 Marks]

Process :

Process, Process Scheduling, Operation on processes, Cooperating Processes, Threads, Inter process communication, CPU Scheduling : Scheduling, Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms, Multiple-Processor Scheduling, Real-Time Schedule, Algorithm Evaluation, Process Co-ordination : Synchronization, Deadlocks.[12 Marks]

Memory Management :

Logical versus Physical Address Space, Swapping, Contiguous Allocation, Paging, Segmentation with paging Virtual Memory : Demand Paging and its performance, Page Replacement Algorithms, Allocation of Frames, Trashing, Demand Segmentation.[12 Marks]

File System Interface :

File concept, Access Methods, Directory Structure, Protection, Consistency Semantics, File System Implementation : File system structure, Allocation Methods, Free-Space Management, Directory Implementation, Efficiency and Performance.[12 Marks]

I/O Systems :

I/O Hardware, Application I/O Interface, Kernel I/O Subsystem, Transforming I/O request to hardware operations. Secondary Storage Structure : Disk Structure, Disk Scheduling, Disk Management, Swap-Space Management, Disk Reliablity, Stable Storage Implementation, Operating System Jobs.[12 Marks]

References : Text Books :
  1. Siberachaz, A & Galvin, P.B. : Operating System concepts, 7/e (Addition-WSE Wiley)

Practical - P-III

Any Version of Windows, LINUX / UNIX OS : File, Directory and Communication command, Shell Programming.[20 Marks]


Object Oriented Programming With C++

Procedure-oriented Programming, Object-oriented Programming Paradigm, Basic Concepts of object-oriented programming, Benefits of OOP, Object-Oriented Languages, Applications of OOP, Simple C++ Program, C++ Statements, Example with class, structure of C++ program, Tokens, Keywords, Identifier and Constants, Basic Data Types, User-Defined Data Types, Derived Data Types, Symbolic Constant, Type Compatibility, Declaration and dynamic Initialization of variable, Reference Variables, Operators, Resolution Operator, Member De referencing Operators, Memory Management Operator, Manipulators, Type Cast Operator, Expressions and these types, special assignment expressions, Implicit Conversion, Operator Overloading, Operator Precedence, Control Structures, Function : The Main function, Function Prototyping, Call by reference, return by reference, Default argument, Recursion, Inline Function, Concept of Overloading, Friend and Virtual Functions, Namespaces.[12 Marks]


C Structures, Specifying a Class, Defining Member Functions, Making an Outside Functions Inline, Nesting a Member Functions, Private Member Functions, Arrays with Class, Memory Allocation for objects, Static Data Members, Static Member Functions, array of objects, Objects as function arguments, friendly functions, Returning objects, pointers to Members, Local classes, Constructors with default arguments, Dynamic Initialization of objects, Copy Constructor, Dynamic Constructors, Constructing two-Dimensional Arrays, Destructors.[12 Marks]

Relationship Between the Classes :

Friend Functions (Friend Function & Friend Classes) Inheritances between classes (Single Inhritance, Multilevel, Multiple, Hierarchical, Hybrid Inheritance), Virtual Base Classes, Abstract Classes, Construction in Derived Classes, Nesting Classes, Manipulation of Strings using Operators, Types Conversions.[12 Marks]


Pointer to Object, this Pointer, Pointers Derived Classes, Virtual Functions, Operators Overloading, Linkage, C++ Streams, C++ Stream Classes, Unformatted I/O Operations, Formatted Consol I/O Operations Managing Output with Manipulators, Classes of File Stream Operations, Opening and Closing of File, Detecting End-of File, File Modes, File Pointers and their Manipulations, Sequential Input and Output Operations, Random Access, Error Handling, Command Line Arguments.[12 Marks]


Exception handling mechanism, Throwing Mechanism, Catching Mechanism, Rethrowing and Exception, Specifying Exceptions, Exception Not Caught (Terminated(), And Unexcepted()), Class Hierarchy, Class Templates, Class Templates with Multiple Parameters, Function Templates, Function Template with multiple parameters, Overloading of template Functions, Member Function Templates, Non-Type Template Arguments, Namespaces, Smart Pointer.[12 Marks]

References : Text Books :
  1. Balagurusamy, E. : Object-Oriented Programming with C++, 2/e (TMH)
  2. Sethi, S. : Object Oriented Programming using C++ (Alok PUB)

Practical - P-IV

Program with C++ features : Classes and Class Derivations, Membership Function, Constructors and Destructors, Friend Class, Operators and Function Overloading, Virtual Base Class and Virtual Function, Inheritance, Polymorphism, File Handling, Templates.[20 Marks]


Database Management System

Data Base Systems, concepts, Components of DBMS, DBMS Architecture, and data independence Abstraction & Data integration, Data Models & its classification, Schemas, and Instances, Database. Languages, and interfaces, Database System Environment, Advantage & disadvantages of DBMS.[12 Marks]

Data Model using ER Diagrams :

Entity Types, Entity Sets, attributes and keys, Relationships, Relationship Types and rules, and structural constrains, Network Data modeling concepts, Constraints in the networking model, Network DDL and Network DML, Hierachical Data Model, Integrity constraints in the networking model, Network DDL and Network DML, Hirachical Data Model, Integrity constraints in the hierarchical model, Hierarchical DDL, and hierarchical DML.[12 Marks]


Relational Model Concepts, Relational constraints and relational database schemes, update operations and constraints violations, Basic Relational algebraic operations (Relational Algebra & Calculus), SQL/PL SQL, Role of SQL in database architecture, SQL Environment, Defining a Database SQL, inserting, updating and deleting data, internal schema definition in RDBMS, Processing single tables, Multiple Tables, View definitions, Transaction integrity, Data Dictionary Facillities, Triggers, and procedures, Programme Development, QBE.[12 Marks]

Relational Database Design :

Anomalies in database, Integrity Constraints, keys, Functional Dependencies, Axioms for functional dependencies, Decomposition of relational schemas, Normal Forms, 2nd and 3rd NFs, BCNF, Multi valued dependencies, Loss less join and dependency preservation, 4th NF, Join dependency preservation, 4th NF, Join dependency and 5th NF.[12 Marks]

Concurrency Control and Security :

Transaction processing, Transaction and system concepts, desirable properties of transactions, Schedules and recoverability, seriallisability of schedules, locking techniques in concurrency control, Concurrecy control based on time stamp ordering, Database recovery concepts, Security and integrity threat, security policy, Access Control Cryptosystems.[12 Marks]

References : Text Books :
  1. Elmasary R and Navathe, SB : Fundamentals of Database System.
  2. Korth : Database Systems, TMP Publications.
  3. Sethi S Sahoo, P B Database Management System, Alok Publications.

System Analysis and Design
Information System Development :

System Analysis and Design, Business systems concepts, Transaction processing systems, Management information system, Decision support system, Development strategies, Implementation and evaluation, Tools for systems development systems projects, project review and selection, preliminary investigation, Project development strategy selection.[12 Marks]

Requirements Analysis and determination :

Requirement determination, Fact-finding techniques, Tools for documenting procedures and decisions, Structured analysis, Data flow strategy, Data flow diagrams, Data dictionary, Recording data description.[12 Marks]

Application prototype development strategy :

Application prototyping, Steps in prototype method, Uses of prototypes, Tools for prototyping, Steps in prototype method, Uses of prototypes, Tools for prototyping, Prototype strategies, Role of tools in systems developments, Automated tools, compputer-assisted systems engineering (CASE) tools, CASE tool : Excelerator.[12 Marks]

Systems design :

Application requirements, Objective in designing an information system, Features to be designed, Design process for institutional applications, Managing end-User development systems, computer-Based order entry and accounts receivable systems, Design of output and input.[12 Marks]

Systems engineering and quality assurance :

Design objectives, Program structure charts, design of software, software design and documentation tools, Quality assurance, Testing practices. System implementation : Training, Conversion, Post implementation review.[12 Marks]

References : Text Books :
  1. Senn, J.A. : Analysis & Design of information systems, 2/e (Mc Graw Hill International Editions).

Practical - P-V

File Creation, Manipulations, Sorting, Indexing, report Writing, Database Applications with use of SQL Queries, Use of Forms and Reports. Use of Forms and Reports. Simple Applications such as : i) Examination Processing. ii) Hostel Accounting. iii) Employee Database. iv) Library Database. Seminar : Student must be present a seminar during the Semester. Top

Computer Network and Internet

Data communication networks, Protocols and standards, point to point and multi point configuration, Network topology, transmission modes, LAN, MAN, WAN, Internetworks, OSL Model : Function of the layers, TCP/IP protocol suite.[12 Marks]

Signals :

Analog and digital signals, periodic and a periodic signals, simple analog signals, time and frequency domains, frequency domains, frequency spectrum and bandwidth, decomposition of digital signal, Encoding and Moudlating : Digital-to-digital, Analog-to-Digital, Digital-to-Analog, Analog-to-Analog conversions. Transmission of digital data, Transmission modes, Transmission rates, Modems : Modem Standards, 56k modems, Cable modem.[12 Marks]

Transmission media :

Guided and unguided media, transmission impairments, performance, multiplexing : FDM, WDM, TDM, The telephone system : Digital subscriber lines (DSL), Error detection and correction : Types of error, redundancy, detection vs correction, forward error correction vs retransmission, coding, Modular arithmetic, Block coding, linear block codes, Cyclic codes, check sum.[12 Marks]

Data link control :

Framing, Flow and error control, protocols for noisy and noiseless channels, Line discipline and access control : ALOHA, CSMA, CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA, Reservation, Poling, and token passing LANs : IEEE 802 standards, Ethernet, switched Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet Switching : Circuit switching, packet switching, message switching, structure of Switches.[12 Marks]

TCP/IP Protocol :

TCP/IP and the internet, network, leyer, addressing, subneting, ARP, RARP, ICMP, IGMP, Transport layer, client server mode, BOOTP, DHCP, DNS, TELNET, FTP, TFTP, SMTP, SNMP, HTTP, WWW.[12 Marks]

References : Text Books :
  1. B.A. Forouzen : Data communication and networking, 4/e TMH.

Web Technology & Java

TCP/IP Basics, IP Address, ARP, RARP, ICMP, IGMP, Data gram fragmentation and reassembling, TCP, Features, Relationship between TCP and IP, Ports, sockets, TCP, TCP Connections, TCP Realiability, TCP Packet formats, UDP Packets, Difference between TCP and UDP.[12 Marks]


DNS, E-mail, FTP, HTTP, WWW, Browsing of WWW, Locating information on internet, HTML, DHTML, ASP, Java Script, Web Browser architecture, web page and multimedia, remote login, Talent.[12 Marks]


The genesls and overview of java, Data types, variables and arrays, Operators, Control Statements.[12 Marks]


Classes, Metods & Classes, Inheritance, Exception handling.[12 Marks]

Packages :

Access protection, Importing packages, Interfaces I/O, Applet fundamental.[12 Marks]

References : Text Books :
  1. Web Technology by AS Godbole, A Kaihate, TMH Pub Pub. Co. Ltd.
  2. The Complete Reference JAVA-2 : 4/e Herbert Scildt (TMH)

Practical - P-VI

JAVA Programming, HTML, DHTL, Java Script Project : Student must be submit a Project at the end of the Semester.[50 (40+10) Marks]
