

  1. The CBCS (Choice Based Credit System) of examination has been introduced for UG/PG from the session 2013-14.
  2. The PG course is of four semesters duration. Each semester examination shall consist of a Mid-semester examination (theory 1 hour duration, practical 3 hours duration for departments having practical) and End semester examination (theory 3 hours, practical 6 hours wherever applicable). Mid semester and End semester examinations shall have the weightage of 30% and 70% respectively.
  3. The Mid semester examination for each paper shall be conducted and valued by the teacher/teachers or any external faculty teaching that paper in the department. A student who fails to appear in a Mid-semester examination, will be allowed to take the same examination with the next batch of students only ONCE. There will be NO provision to reappear in a Mid-semester examination for improvement.
  4. A candidate failing in any End semester examination will be allowed to appear at the End semester examination of that semester conducted for the next batch and shall be allowed to continue in the next higher semester. However, the candidate has to pass and/or improve (subject to clause 5) all the four End semester examinations within four academic years from the year of admission into the first semester.
  5. A candidate who has passed a semester examination may repeat for improvement only once in one more papers of that semester examination.
  6. For passing a semester examination a candidate must secure 30% marks in each theory paper (i.e. 21 out of 70 in the End Semester) and 40% marks in each practical paper.

Grading System in each paper (Mid (+) End semester examination) in a semester:

Grade Mark Secured Points
O 100-90 10
A+ 89-80 9
A 79-70 8
B 69-60 7
C 59-50 6
D 49-40 5
E 39-30 4
F Below 30 0
N.B.: In order to pass in a paper, the candidate has to fulfil the following terms and conditions.
  1. Must have written the Mid-Term Examination.
  2. Must secure 30% in the End-Semester Examination.
  3. Must secure 40% in practicals
  1. A student has to secure 30% in each paper to pass



1.1. Higher Secondary / +2 / Senior Secondary or any other equivalent examination passed from any Board / Council established by the Govt. of India or any State Govt. or any other equivalent examination recognized by Central Board of Secondary Education, Council of Higher Secondary Education, Govt. of Odisha / Dept of Higher Education / Dept. of Industry or any other Dept of Govt. of Odisha or Utkal University. Those joining B.Sc. Programme must have passed the above examination under the faculty of Science / Technology / Engineering / Pharmacy etc. There shall be no such restriction for joining BA/ stream.
1.2. Students are selected for admission through SAMS, controlled by the Department of Higher Education, Govt. Of Odisha.


2.1. The three year degree course leading to Bachelor's Degree in Arts / Science / Commerce shall be spread over a period of three academic years i.e. six semesters. A candidate for Bachelor's Degree in Arts / Science / Commerce shall be required to pass the six semester examinations.
2.2. Odd semester usually covers the period from July to December (i.e 1st, 3rd & 5th semester). The examination shall be held normally in the month of November-December.
2.3. Even semester is from January to June (i.e. 2nd, 4th & 6th semester). The examination shall be held normally in the month of May - June. However the Final Semester shall be conducted in April and result shall be published by end of May.
2.4. A student would be required to complete the course within six academic years from the date of admission.

3. Compulsory Registration for 1st Semester

* Registration for 1st semester is compulsory. A candidate admitted to +3 courses but not registered for 1st semester examination, his/her admission will be automatically cancelled.

* 75% attendance is a requirement for being eligible to appear at Examination. Up to 15% waiver may be granted by the College Principal at discretion on Health Ground or participation in sports, cultural activities, NCC and NSS activities etc.

* A Student may clear backlog papers within 6 years. Improvement if any has to be completed within 4 years.


Subject without practical:

Mid Term Test Term End Semester Total
20 80 100

Subject with practical:

Mid Term Test Term End Semester Total
15 60 (Theory) + 25 (Practical) 100

5. Grading System

Grade Mark Secured Points
O 100-90 10
A+ 89-80 9
A 79-70 8
B 69-60 7
C 59-50 6
D 49-40 5
E 39-30 4
F Below 30 0
* The candidate obtaining Grade-F is considered failed and will be required to clear the back paper(s) in the subsequent examinations within the stipulated time.
* The candidate securing 'B' Grade and above in Core/Honours papers in aggregate will be awarded Honours.

B.Com (Hons.) CBCS

The candidate securing 'B+' Grade and above in aggregate in first appearance will be awarded Honours with Distinction/ Distinction (for pass/regular course.)
Any candidate filling the forms for appearing in back papers/ improvement shall not be awarded Distinction.